Aktion "Running for Kids - Leichtathleten helfen behinderten Kindern"

Laufaktion  "Nadine. Ein Lächeln für sie..!"

In english:

A smile for Nadine



Nadine is wheelchair bound since she suffered a slipped disc at the age of 16. This diagnosis has only been seen in Germany four times.

Last year she spent more than 340 days in various clinics and hospitals and had to endure more than 50 procedures under full anaestethic.
I already ran for the by now 'young lady' a few years ago.
A few weeks ago I was allowed to visit Nadine to hand over the first "Running for Kids" cheque. This is to be the corner stone for her to be able to start the much desired new dolphin therapy. Years ago this type of rehabilitation showed great affect for a young woman from Dueren. I promised Nadine to start a running action group for her with the goal of fulfilling her wish.
I hope that many friends will support me again in doing this.
Nadine has a wonderful smile and that smile she has to keep, that's why this running group is called "A smile for Nadine".

Every euro will be thankfully received

Peter Borsdorff
c/o Running for Kids
name of bank: Sparkasse Düren
bank key:  395 501 10
account:  542 100
IBAN: DE78 3955 0110 0000 5421 00

code:  Nadine

Thank you!  Peter